Introducing ‘Our Town Stories’: A TFDP storytelling initiative

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As the Towns Fund Delivery Partner (TFDP) we are putting Town stories at the heart of the Towns Fund programme. We are focusing on the people shaping the future of their places through the launch of our storytelling series Our Town Stories’.

Through a series of stories created with, and by you, ‘Our Town Stories’ celebrates the remarkable people committed to making a difference.

We are supporting the people leading change, to reflect on and articulate a positive story for your Towns, as you all look ahead to a brighter future. Your local community groups, entrepreneurs and businesses, universities and cultural leaders, local authorities and public sector organisations are active advocates of the future of your Towns. You all have important stories to tell.

These short stories offer an opportunity to learn from shared challenges and shine a light on innovative and inspirational Town journeys through and alongside the Towns Fund programme.

The stories we tell matter

The stories we tell shape our experiences, they help us to make sense of the world around us now, and experiment with possible futures. They will help to make sense of how your Towns are changing.

Stories are a powerful tool to share your vision in a way that taps into the imagination and connects with others. Your expression of a renewed vision for your Town’s future is compelling and brings life to what it means for you and others in your daily lives. Stories are a potent medium to inspire and influence others. As you engage and advocate for your Town’s future investment plans, stories can also help bring others further along on their Town’s journey.

Shared learning through stories

Stories help us learn. They relay experiences in a way that speaks directly to the way we learn. By sharing stories of your Towns, we hope to create opportunities for you to connect with other Towns and create links where you have common ground.

Stories can help connect past, present and future of place

Stories can help us to better understand change that is taking place over long periods of time by connecting the past, present and future. They can play a central role in communicating and encouraging your communities to engage with plans for your Town’s future by describing how they are formed out of your Town’s history and heritage. They also have the potential to communicate the first signs of positive change.

We believe that every Town has a story to tell. What is yours?

We will be adding your stories on the Towns Fund website (insert link?) and including them in our ‘About Towns’ newsletter. Whether you are the leader of a local council, a business innovator or a champion of your Town’s culture and heritage, we want to hear, and tell, your story.

If you have a story you would like to share, contact Loren from the TFDP storytelling team,  or discuss it with your Town Coordinator. Loren will also be contacting Towns directly to explore your stories. We are looking forward to telling them.


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