TIP submission milestone means the next stage of the journey begins
Joanna Rowelle
In such a momentous week, now feels like the time for us all to reflect on and celebrate the achievement of two significant milestones: all 101 Town Investment Plans submitted and Town Deal Offers made to another 45 Towns this week.
As the Towns Fund Delivery Partner (TFDP), we would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you on the commitment, dedication and tenacity you have shown in delivering your Town Investment Plans for your Towns.
We know this is no mean feat and, over the last ten months, we have seen how you have grasped the opportunity and overcome challenges.
It has been hugely rewarding to be part of your Town journeys. We are looking forward to supporting you as you progress towards developing your business cases and offering other opportunities that will help realise your vision for your Towns.
Next steps
We have learned so much from you across the course of this programme and listened to what you say you need most from us at this next crucial stage. We are continuing to develop new services, as well as the materials and guidance documents that we know you value as you take your projects forward.
Similarly, we are facilitating new opportunities for you to address common issues and topics collectively and work with colleagues in similar roles in other Towns. Our aim is to help you build your connections and networks across local authorities, Towns, regions and with other external partners who can offer advice.
You may have already heard about some of our latest opportunities and resources but if not, please talk to your Town Coordinator who can put you in touch with the relevant member of our team to find out more and how to sign up.
Business Case guidance - we will be publishing an illustrative Business Case template on Monday 8 March to help Towns develop their Business Cases in line with government guidance and best practice. Used in conjunction with our Proportionality Guide, this template can be adapted to meet your specific needs.
Our Town Stories - we have a storyteller who, working with you, can tell the story of your town and your Towns Fund journey. We want to tell the important stories of communities, the people who are making your Towns Fund bid happen and those whose passion is bringing your town’s future to life.
Through a series of stories created with, and by you, ‘Our Town Stories’ celebrates the remarkable people committed to making a difference. If you have a story you would like to share, contact Loren from the TFDP storytelling team, storytelling@townsfund.org.uk or discuss it with your Town Coordinator.
Town blogs - if you would like to share your town’s experiences, learning and ideas, you can draft a blog that we will put on the website.
The panel of brilliant people who are going to make a difference - the core objective of this panel is to look at equality, diversity, inclusion and sustainable growth and to develop an action plan which will be presented to Central Government in October. It is focused not just on listening but on action. TFDP will ensure that panellists come from diverse backgrounds. The panel will be chaired by Kate Willard OBE.
We are also continuing to offer events and panels, providing key insights from our Topic Experts on your areas of interest. Keep an eye out for the latest on these in the weekly edition of our ‘About Towns’ newsletter.
On behalf of the TFDP team, I would like to congratulate you on your achievements and say how much we are looking forward to working with you over the coming months as you take forward your plans and projects to invest in the future of your Towns.
Best wishes
Joanna Rowelle
Senior Responsible Officer, Towns Fund Delivery Partner